Friday, July 30, 2010

Get That Electronic Cigarette You Will Love It

Are you still smoking the old fashioned way? Be a smarter smoker and Get That Electronic Cigarette you have been googling and researching, don't waste another $60.00 on a carton of tar and toxins.
E cigs offer you a much more enjoyable way to smoke. There is no odor or carbon monoxide emitted from the E-cigarette.  You can still enjoy your Marlboro, Newport, Camel brand or whatever flavor you can think of.  There are a vast amount of E juice flavors available to the consumer.
If you or someone you care about smokes this is the greatest gift you can give them or yourself.
Become a smart E-Smoker with Electronic Cigarettes, your only regret will be not getting an E cig kit sooner.
The Joye510 E Cig A Global Favorite Electronic Cigarette

Thursday, June 24, 2010

E Cigs and COPD

A successful alternative to the addicted tobacco smoker with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is the Electronic Cigarette commonly knows as the E Cig. The E cig very closely resembles a tobacco cigarette without the tar, toxins, carbon monoxide and chemicals and therefore will not do further lung damage.
Although COPD is not curable and a highly addicted tobacco smoker would be well advised to refrain from smoking, which of course is so easy to say, but nearly impossible to do, but with E Cigs it is now possible. The water vapor from the E Cigs has been compared to steam therapy but needs further research to verify this,
But by all accounts a person suffering from Pulmonary diseases would be far better off with an Electronic Cigarette than a toxic tobacco cigarette if there had to be a choice.